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Routine is so important in nature; all of nature follows daily, seasonal and yearly routines. The flowers wait until spring to pop out of the earth for good reason and the birds store seeds for the winter out of necessity. Life is pretty simple in these terms, we humans sometimes complicate things with the many choices we have.

When we listen to the forces inside of us and follow the natural rhythm of nature we find that we fall into a routine of waking, sleeping, eating and activities that are more in tuned with the natural world.

Modern life sometimes encroaches on humans’ ability to hear the natural rhythm within making it harder to focus on and carry out a more natural routine not just seasonally but daily and also nightly. This can interfere with our eating, exercise, sleeping and many more routines important to our health.

Media, Phones, Blue Light, TV or meetings and work can keep you up later than you should be and that can sometimes interfere with your sleeping routine. Sleep is one of the most important things all of us do.

Nightly Routines are very important to having a good night sleep. Sound sleep is a sign of being healthy and is necessary in order to maintain good health. Being healthy, happy, strong, intelligent, building strong tissues and having a healthy mental state all depend on sound sleep.

A relaxing nighttime routine will help you go to sleep faster and have a more restful sleep. Your evening routine should consist of:

• A light meal Cooked, light and easily digested food, to be eaten by 7pm
• Relaxing music or reading, family time
• Reduced blue light exposure (Tv, Phone, Tablets, Florescent Lights)
• Relaxing yoga postures
• Meditation
• Relaxing Breathing exercises

Having a good Nightly routine will signal your body that it is time for rest. The sense organs have been receiving impulses all day, the mind and the body needs rest. During sleep we process the information from that day to create meaning and realization.

Before dawn it is natural to awaken and to feel alert and energetic as we wake up.

This happens because we are well rested, healthy sleep is sound and occurs naturally.

Unhealthy sleep:
• Hangover from alcohol or drugs
• Excessive physical exertion
• Blue light exposure after sunset
• Insomnia or waking early
• Mental agitation
• Due to worry, anxiety, depression, fear and or pain

Find a quiet spot, turn off the TV and put down the exciting book. Tune into your nature and listen to the forces inside of you, fall into your natural rhythm and experience true bliss and better health.