Welcome to your Pyroluria Questionnaire Name Email Poor dream recall, nightmares, bizarre dreams (low B6) Yes No None White spots on nails / thin nails (low zinc) Yes No None Nausea, prefer no breakfast, prone to motion sickness (low B6) Yes No None Pale skin +/- poor tanning +/- burn easy in sun Yes No None Sensitivity to light or noise (low zinc) Yes No None Reading difficulties (e.g. dyslexia) Yes No None Poor ability to cope with stress Yes No None Mood swings or temper outbursts Yes No None Argumentative/enjoy argument Yes No None New situations or changes in routine (i.e., traveling) particularly stressful Yes No None Much higher capability and alertness in the evening, compared to mornings Yes No None Poor short term memory Yes No None Abnormal body fat distribution Yes No None Belong to an all-girl family with look-alike sisters Yes No None Dry skin Yes No None Anxiousness Yes No None Reaching puberty later than normal or irregular menstruation/PMS Yes No None Difficulty digesting, a dislike of protein or a history of vegetarianism Yes No None Tendency toward being a loner and/or avoiding larger groups of people Yes No None Stretch marks and/or poor wound healing (low zinc) Yes No None Poor smell and/or taste (low zinc) Yes No None Feel very uncomfortable with strangers Yes No None Frequently experience fatigue Yes No None A tendency to overreact to tranquilizers, barbiturates, alcohol or other drugs (in other words, a little produces a powerful response)(low B6) Yes No None A tendency toward low iron (anemia) Yes No None History of mental illness or alcoholism in family Yes No None Easily upset by criticism Yes No None Bad breath and or body odour (low zinc) Yes No None Prone to acne, eczema or psoriasis Yes No None A tendency toward feeling anxious, fearful and carrying lifelong inner tension Yes No None Difficulty recalling past events or people Yes No None Bouts of depression or nervous exhaustion Yes No None Prone to frequent colds or infections Yes No None Joint pain, cracking or popping, cartilage issues (low zinc) Yes No None Do you have tingling sensations or muscle spasms in your legs or arms Yes No None Crowded teeth, braces, inflamed gums (low zinc) Yes No None Bad Headaches Yes No None Time's up