Live blood nutritional analysis is a powerful visual feedback tool for practitioners and patients, using only a few drops of blood we may help identify current or developing health problems and develop suitable treatment protocols.
Live blood tests can help detect signs of:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Oxidative stress
- Over-acidity of the body
- Anaemia
- Bacteria
- Viral presence
- Parasites
- Yeast, fungi, mould
- Liver dysfunction
- Gut disorders
- Bowel problems
- Autoimmune disease
- Allergic reactions
- Inflammation
- Elevated white blood cell count
- Vitamin and mineral deficiency
- Degenerative conditions
How is this test performed?
This is relatively painless, with just a small prick of your blood from your finger, the droplet of blood is then placed under a microscope, where both the practitioner and patient can observe the blood cells in action. This enables us to see the health of your red and white blood cells as well as showing us the terrain/environment that your blood cells are living in.
By observing size, shape, movement, population, debris and other charcteristics of the blood we can observe inflammation, oxidative stress, nutritional status, liver and immune health and along with other testing and information this can give an indication of overall health.
It is very important to understand that nutritional blood analysis is not a diagnostic tool. Nutritional blood analysis gives us a piece of the puzzle and will only be used in context with your symptoms, medical history, past diagnosis, previous medical assessments and overall health status.